- 2 years
- Master
- Part time
- 2 years
- Master
- Part time
The MA Education Programme is a fee-paying course which will be taught during school holidays through intensive face-to-face sessions at the MIE, and on-line with the University of Brighton. It is a modular programme consisting of 180 credit points accumulated over two and a half years and starts each year in April. Intensive teaching sessions are held at the MIE during school vacations in April, July and December each year. There are six modules of 20 credits and the research project which is 60 credits. Each module carries its own assessment designed to develop professional and academic attributes, understanding and skills. There are no examinations.
Participants are introduced to Masters level study in Education with a module focusing on appropriate learning and teaching strategies. This module is designed to develop participants’ capabilities, understanding and practice at this university level embedded within professional development in education.
This is followed by four modules that develop understanding and skills in pedagogy, Leadership and Management and Research in Context and Literature Review. Each of these is appropriately assessed to enable participants to achieve the learning outcomes. The final module of this stage focuses on research and teacher research in education and produces the research plan for the project in the second year of study.
The research project, from the design stage to the writing stage is supported with further research methods taught sessions and also expert tutoring from the MIE and Brighton University (on-line).