- 3 years - 4 years
- Degree
- Full time & Part time
- 3 years - 4 years
- Degree
- Full time & Part time
This Programme is basically meant for both HSC holders aspiring to work in the Human Resource or a related field, and also those already in the HR/ Personnel cadre but wishing to probe further in the quest of better expertise and skills. It will enable students to:
Better understand the business environment of organizations and the challenges facing them.
Appreciate the importance of effective human resource management in an organisation and prepare them to defend HRM initiatives in the boardroom and bring HR at the strategic levels within organizations.
Master the knowledge, competencies and skills required to plan for and manage human resource in the current turbulent and changing environment of organizations;.
Manage human resource using the latesttechniques and developments in the field of HRM.
As per UTM’s Admissions Regulations, and ‘Admission to Programmes of Study at Degree Level’or APL /APEL requirements.