- 3 years - 4.5 years
- Degree
- Full time & Part time
- 3 years - 4.5 years
- Degree
- Full time & Part time
Actuarial science is a fairly distinctive blend of Mathematics, Statistics, Economics and Accounting, designed for dealing with the operational issues which financial business face, predominantly when there are significant financial uncertainties in running the business. Thus, an actuary is a business executive with specialized skills in the mathematical sciences for evaluating financial risks. Indeed, actuaries devise, analyze, value and refine insurance programsso as to meet the requirements of the society. The main aim of the programme in Actuarial Science is to prepare the students for a career as an actuarial professional and to equip the students with the necessary expertise and specialized knowledge required to pass at least the first few professional actuarial examinations.
General Entry Requirements As per UTM’s Admission Regulations, and ‘Admission to Programmes of Study at Degree Level’ Programme Entry Requirements At least grade C in Mathematics at ‘A’-level.